Capacitor Output Voltage Calculator

Calculate Capacitor Output Voltage


The formula to calculate the output voltage of a capacitor (V(t)) is:

\[ V(t) = V₀ \cdot e^{\left(-\frac{t}{R \cdot C}\right)} \]




Let's say the Initial Voltage (V₀) is 10 V, the Time Elapsed (t) is 5 seconds, the Resistance (R) is 100 ohms, and the Capacitance (C) is 0.01 farads. Using the formula:

\[ V(t) = 10 \cdot e^{\left(-\frac{5}{100 \cdot 0.01}\right)} \]

We get:

\[ V(t) \approx 6.07 \text{ V} \]

So, the output voltage of the capacitor after 5 seconds is approximately 6.07 V.

Extended information about "Capacitor-Output-Voltage-Calculator"

How to Calculate Voltage Across a Capacitor

Definition: This calculator helps determine the voltage across a capacitor.

Formula: \( V = \frac{1}{C} \int I \, dt \)

Example: \( V = \frac{1}{2} \int 10 \, dt \)

Voltage Formula for Capacitor

Definition: This formula calculates the voltage across a capacitor based on its capacitance and the current flowing through it.

Formula: \( V = \frac{q}{C} \)

Example: \( V = \frac{20}{4} \)

Capacitor Voltage Current Equation

Definition: This equation relates the voltage across a capacitor to the current flowing through it.

Formula: \( V = \frac{1}{C} \int I \, dt \)

Example: \( V = \frac{1}{3} \int 15 \, dt \)

Capacitor Voltage in Series Calculator

Definition: This calculator determines the voltage across capacitors connected in series.

Formula: \( V = \frac{V_{total}}{n} \)

Example: \( V = \frac{12}{3} \)