The formula to calculate the Body to Fat Ratio (BFR) is:
\[ BFR = \frac{BW}{F} \]
Let's say the total body weight (BW) is 180 lbs and the fat weight (F) is 30 lbs. Using the formula:
\[ BFR = \frac{180}{30} \]
We get:
\[ BFR = 6 \]
So, the body to fat ratio is 6.
Definition: A tool to calculate the ratio of body fat to muscle mass.
Formula: \( R = \frac{F}{M} \)
Example: \( R = \frac{20}{40} \)
Definition: A tool to calculate the body fat rate based on body measurements.
Formula: \( BFR = \frac{BF}{BW} \times 100 \)
Example: \( BFR = \frac{15}{70} \times 100 \)
Definition: A tool to calculate body fat percentage using body measurements.
Formula: \( BF% = 495 \div (1.0324 - 0.19077 \log(\text{waist} - \text{neck}) + 0.15456 \log(\text{height})) - 450 \)
Example: \( BF% = 495 \div (1.0324 - 0.19077 \log(85 - 40) + 0.15456 \log(175)) - 450 \)
Definition: A chart that shows the body fat ratio for different body types and fitness levels.
Formula: \( BF% = \frac{BF}{BW} \times 100 \)
Example: \( BF% = \frac{18}{75} \times 100 \)
Definition: A tool to calculate body fat percentage based on weight and height.
Formula: \( BF% = \frac{BF}{BW} \times 100 \)
Example: \( BF% = \frac{20}{80} \times 100 \)