Specific Humidity Calculator

Calculate Specific Humidity


The formula to calculate the Specific Humidity (SH) is:

\[ SH = \left(0.622 \times \frac{P}{P - Pw}\right) \times 100 \]


What is Specific Humidity?

Specific humidity is defined as the ratio of the humidity of the air to the absolute water vapor pressure of the air. It represents the mass of water vapor per unit mass of air, providing a measure of the moisture content in the air.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following values for an example:

Using the formula:

\[ SH = \left(0.622 \times \frac{2330}{101325 - 2330}\right) \times 100 \approx 1.46 \% \]

The Specific Humidity is approximately 1.46%.