The formula to calculate the Book Reading Percentage (BRP) is:
\[ BRP = \frac{WR}{TW} \times 100 \]
Book Reading Percentage is a measure of how much of a book you have read, expressed as a percentage. It is calculated by dividing the number of words read by the total number of words in the book, then multiplying by 100.
Let's say you have read 20,000 words of a book that has a total of 50,000 words. Using the formula:
\[ BRP = \frac{20,000}{50,000} \times 100 = 40\% \]
So, the book reading percentage (BRP) is 40%.
Formula: \(\text{Reading Rate} = \frac{\text{Total Pages}}{\text{Total Time (minutes)}}\)
Example: \(\text{Reading Rate} = \frac{150}{120}\)
Formula: \(\text{Reading Rate} = \frac{\text{Total Words}}{\text{Total Time (minutes)}}\)
Example: \(\text{Reading Rate} = \frac{3000}{30}\)
Formula: \(\text{Royalty Percentage} = \frac{\text{Author's Earnings}}{\text{Total Book Sales}} \times 100\%\)
Example: \(\text{Royalty Percentage} = \frac{5000}{25000} \times 100\%\)