Add a Percentage (%) to a Number Calculator

Calculate Percentage Increase


The formula to calculate the result is:

\[ \text{Result} = \text{Base Number} + (\text{Base Number} \times (\text{Percentage} / 100)) \]


Example Calculation

Let's consider an example:

Using the formula to calculate the result:

\[ \text{Result} = 100 + (100 \times \frac{20}{100}) = 120 \]

This demonstrates that adding 20% to 100 yields 120. ✅

Another Example Calculation

Let's consider another example:

Using the formula to calculate the result:

\[ \text{Result} = 100 + (100 \times \frac{15}{100}) = 115 \]

This demonstrates that adding 15% to 100 yields 115. ✅