1/8 to 1/4 Mile ET Calculator

Convert 1/8 Mile ET to 1/4 Mile ET

What is ET?

ET (Elapsed Time) is the time it takes for a vehicle to travel a specified distance from a standing start. This calculator converts the ET for 1/8 mile to the estimated ET for 1/4 mile.


The formula to convert 1/8 mile ET to 1/4 mile ET is:

\[ \text{1/4 Mile ET} = \frac{\text{1/8 Mile ET} + 0.22}{0.655} \]

Example Calculation

Consider a vehicle with a 1/8 mile ET of 8.5 seconds:

Using the formula:

\[ \text{1/4 Mile ET} = \frac{(8.5 + 0.22)}{0.655} = 13.31 \text{ seconds} \]

This means the estimated 1/4 mile ET is 13.31 seconds.